Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Ginny Reed: what can we say about nostalgia..

Ginny talks about the importance of the subjective realm in her practice ( Barthes "punctum"). How does the use of medium and documentation alter this interplay?.......


Oliver Scully said...
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Oliver Scully said...

The medium of photography seems very fitting when thinking of art in a subjective realm. The camera provides the artist with a detached position to view the world around them and it makes me think of the issue of CCTV cameras. I think so long as there is an understanding between the photographer and the subject any avenue of interest could be explored in this way. For me the documentation of buildings and places using photography is interesting, there is no need for a mutual understanding between photographer and the person sitting for a portrait photograph for example. One can assume a creative relationship with the environment they are working in.