Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Laura Napier

Laura Napier’s lecture was followed by a seminar on time. Chaired by Daniel Jagger and Kelly Murray.

“Time is a relevant issue to be considered within Laura Napier’s Work. It is raised on several levels from the different “times” or timelessness she creates in her work. This ranges from her physical instillations, to the audiances own perceived and real time as the space is explored.

This opened up the discussion for looking at time in a broader sence in relation, not only to instillation, but also sculpture + painting. The role of the gallery + institutions that often create a false sense of permanence + fixed sense of time to art+art objects also opened up an interesting trail of thought.

Laura is also interested in the way it is possible to control or even manipulate viewers to move around her installations in particular ways. This seemed to provoke conflicting responses with often viewers resenting being controlled + when left to explore freely, every viewers experience being different.”

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