Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Sally Underwood

How is the audience a part of Sally's language of " destruction"?


mikhak said...

Is the viewer needed at all?
Sally talked about not wanting the work to be a crowd pleaser, she makes the viewer wait for things to happen. While she is not aiming to give the viewer what they want, surely the viewer is an essential component, witnessing the humiliation of these disfunctional objects.
The viewer feels sympathy for these objects but I wonder if they are pathetic or, in fact, heroic?

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to see that the audience were not willing to participate in the destruction but were more than willing to watch the destruction happen, why was this?

Annette said...

Although not wanting her work to be seen as crowd pleasing Sally's work must, at some level, please the crowd for her to continue to receive exhibition space. However, I found it refreshing to meet an artist with so little overt regard for the views of either the audience or the art 'establishment'. I wonder whether such liberation is possible only because she has an alternative source of income.